Hello, everybody! Now that the two of us have started sharing our group sex content with the world, we wanted to acknowledge that some of you might be caught off guard by seeing us interacting with other people, and we wanted to address that here 💛 Every day, you send us incredibly kind messages sayingContinue reading “On Sex with Others”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
It’s Time For Spicy Adventure #4!
Hawaii, Ecuador, Greece… if you’ve been following us for more than a couple months, you know we make our craziest content during our summer vacations… and today we can finally announce our next big adventure: We’re going to Australia! We’re gonna wait a few weeks to explain the reason we chose to take our nextContinue reading “It’s Time For Spicy Adventure #4!”
Our Sexy Summer Schedule
Holy hell, this is going to be a crazy summer… wanna join us?? tldr: From now until June 20, our 3-month OnlyFans bundle will be 50% off. That means it you can join our amazing summer adventure—including two European countries, a cruise, and a foursome with another OnlyFans couple—for only $14.99 🌺 Here are theContinue reading “Our Sexy Summer Schedule”
Our Weekend in Virtual Reality
There is almost no amateur VR porn on the internet. But we’re about to change that. I’ve been interested in 3D art long before VR became a reality. I was obsessed with my Viewmaster as a kid, and in college I loved playing around with Holga’s 3D Stereo Camera. Now that VR is expanding outsideContinue reading “Our Weekend in Virtual Reality”
The Strangest Holiday Greeting I’ve Ever Written
Life is surreal sometimes. If you would’ve told me in January that, by December, I’d be sharing my gratitude for the reddit, OnlyFans, and PornHub communities… I would’ve laughed in your face. But here I am, Diana smiling at my side, truly grateful for the people who’ve been following our journey over the last sevenContinue reading “The Strangest Holiday Greeting I’ve Ever Written”
🐝 Kind
From Damien – Originally posted on reddit, September 28, 2021 Hi! I’m Damien. Diana and I love reddit. We love posting our old sex tapes for your enjoyment, and we’re super excited to start posing our new stuff soon! Reddit is great because the vast majority of the people we interact with are fun andContinue reading “🐝 Kind”
A Quick Note About Passion
From Damien – Originally posted on reddit, July 13, 2021 If you’re reading this, you’ve seen my balls. Excuse me for a moment while I let that sink in… …😐 Okay. I processed it. Hi there! My name is Damien, the towering counterpart to the infinitely sexier u/softgirldiana, and this is my reddit profile! A fewContinue reading “A Quick Note About Passion”