Videos that have been banned from other platforms can now be purchased in our new store!

Check out exclusive free clips on FikFap! AND New VR content is here!

Recent Sex Tapes:

All of our most romantic porn videos are presented here in chronological order. Scroll to the bottom to see our most resent videos, as well as the videos we’ll be posting soon. Click the links below the pics to watch it on that platform:

OnlyFans [OF] has all our videos, un-cut, with faces (and so much more). Jack/Jill-Off Editions [JO] are also on OnlyFans, but shorter, spicier versions of the videos.

PornHub [PH] and Fansly [F] have many of our videos, but much shorter and with our faces removed.

Banned [B] sex tapes were removed from these platforms, but can be purchased individually through our site.

🌺 New 🔥 Our Favorites 💦 Top Rated

All models, actors, actresses and other persons who appear in any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct appearing or otherwise contained in or at this website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions as provided by our sources to be in full compliance with 18 U.S.C. 2257.